
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Little Help From My Friends

This past weekend, I was sitting outside the clubhouse at the golf course I grew up on when all of the sudden I heard, "Brian Edwards, I haven't seen you in forever." I turned around to see . . . well, I had no idea. Before me stood a man who clearly knew me. But I had no clue, nothing even close to an idea of who I was about to begin a conversation with.

We began to talk, on a somewhat personal level, as he shared what he was currently doing. I didn't even know where to start. Was this a person that I went to school with? Had I known him from some other point in my life? Who knows?

Another person came up and began to talk with him and hold his attention for a second. And at that moment, I saw a friend walk by, so I walked for a moment with her and finally asked, "Who in the world am I talking to?" After laughing at me, she told me who it was. I thanked her profusely.

I walked back over to him and then figured it out. Because of the sunglasses he had on, I had virtually no chance figured out who he was. But then armed with this sudden knowledge of who the masked man was, it was suddenly clear. Of course! That's who it is!

It was a guy I had went to school with, who was a couple of years younger than me, who I had not seen in at least ten to fifteen years. I was then able to ask him about what had been going on in his life and vice versa. We had a nice conversation, then I moved on with my day.

But thank goodness for that friend who walked by. Without that, I would probably still be wondering who I was talking to and, at some point, I would have no doubt made a fool out of myself.
That got me to thinking: we need to be thankful for the help that we have received in our lives. Be it friends who give us advice or information . . . or someone who stands up for us or goes to bat for us with some sort of deal or job opportunity . . . or anything else that helps us in any way, we need to be thankful for that help. And we need to take the steps necessary to show them our appreciation.

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