
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Killin' Time

I can remember as a youngster wishing time would fly by. I remember wishing I was older than I was when I was in elementary school. I remember wishing the day would fly by during the school day. And it would just drag along. I would try to delay looking at the clock, hoping that the next time I looked up at it, it would be much later than before.

Then, as an adult, I remember thinking the same thing. I did some substitute teaching a while back. And being on the other end of the deal, I still wanted the school day to fly by.

It's easy, and somewhat natural, for us to want the day to fly by, particularly days in which we are doing things that are not exactly enjoyable. But time is what it is: it's just time. It's going to go by at the same rate everyday, no matter how much we may wish it would hurry along to get us to something more enjoyable.

Seems that it would be much better for us to just try to enjoy the day, everyday, whatever it is we find ourselves doing. Some days will naturally be more enjoyable than others. But we are all given a certain amount of time for us to do with it what we will. Viewing time as a gift helps us take advantage of the time we have to enjoy life and do the best that we can with it. Our lives are not measured by how much time we have . . . but what we do with the time we have been given.

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