
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Left Lane: A Right & A Responsibility

Seems to me that if we would all view the left lane as a right AND a responsibility, things would all move just a little more smoothly.

You know what I mean. You've been there. You're driving down a multi-lane road, like an interstate or a freeway. Traffic is moving a little too slowly for you. So you move over to the left lane, the fast lane, to get around. Once you get there, you seem to be stuck. Not really going slower than traffic . . . but definitely not going faster than traffic, either.

This is mostly due to that car who gets in the left lane to just cruise. They see the left lane as their right. Their tax dollars help pay for that left lane; and they have every right to drive in it. Absolutely.

But the left lane is also a responsibility. That's what the sign on the side of the road means when it says: "Left Lane For Passing Only." When we get in the left lane, we need to remember that we have a right to be there. But if we are there, it's also our responsibility to do something with it.

There's probably a life lesson in there somewhere.

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