
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Multi-million Dollar Idea

I've got a new idea, sure to make tons of money.

Maybe not tons of money. Probably not any money. But I do think it's a good idea.

I think there's a market out there for a web site that rates landlords. When you go to rent a place, many times you are asked for references. This is especially the case when it is a "landlord's market," (where there are more houses/apartments to rent than there are renters), which pretty much seems to be the case everywhere.

But you never come across a situation where the landlord is asked for references on him/her. And we have all had or heard of plenty of situations where the person renting a place is in no way qualified or funded well enough to be providing someone a place to live.

Hence the need for a web site that is a service for people who are renting properties to be able to check out potential landlords. Landlords could have references and/or reviews by previous tenants. Even if it did not make any money, I think it would be a huge service for people renting out there.

And while we're at it, what's the deal with the word, "landlord?" That seems to be a very outdated word that is sorely in need of replacing. Lord over the land? Sure, I understand where it probably came from. But that does not seem to be a good way of looking at it at all. How about rentee (opposite of renter). That's not catchy enough. But we do need a new word for it.

And while we're at it, someone out there with tons of money needs to put in a good, locally-owned coffeeshop in the center of town here in Huntsville. I have heard numerous people talk about how well it would do. I know I would frequent the place. All we need is someone to do it . . . and someone with money.

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