
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Best American Ever

One of the catch-phrases for the new movie that's out, The Campaign (the Will Ferrell/Zach G. movie), is: "You know who the best American ever is? Jesus."

That's funny. So funny it's sad. Because a whole lot of Americans believe that. Too bad it's so incredibly incorrect (not to mention, wrong, on so many levels).

That reminds me of the Talladega Nights scene. You know the one: eight pound six ounce Baby Jesus. This one:

We like to think of Jesus in terms that we like, be it baby Jesus, grown-up Jesus, teenage Jesus, bearded Jesus, in a tuxedo t-shirt, as a Republican, as a Democrat, or as an American.

These terms are our own, not Jesus'. To be impacted by the incredible, life-changing, upside-down story of Jesus, we have to let the story impact us, not the other way around.

If we don't and are not careful and mindful of this, our Jesus can have giant eagles wings, singing lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd or our Jesus can justify any wrong or atrocity that we commit against other people . . . or worse.

Seems to me that Will Ferrell, with his ways of showing us who we really are and how we really act, makes for a pretty good American . . . and not too bad of a prophet.

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