I have finally found it. Well, sort of.
I have been on a search for real news for a long time. Over the past few years, any semblance of news among our media has dissipated, dissolved, faded, gone away. Now sure, I was not around when the so-called Giants of News were among us. When it was Walter Cronkite and others doing news for the network news outlets and when cable news was not even a figment in people's imaginations, I wasn't here yet. So I can't say for sure if the good ol' days really were all that good.
But I can say that over the past decade-plus, the desire for so-called news organizations to report the news has gone by the way-side. Out with unbiased reporting, in with partisan politics over the airwaves. It's a sign of the times. And it simply is what it is. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Things are to the point where I really do not care about watching or listening to the news because I am simply going to get one side of the news. That's why some of the slogans of the cable news outlets are funny to me. "We report, you decide." Bull corn. You report & you decide for me. Or: "Lean Forward." More like, lean forward in the direction and way that we tell you to.
There really is no unbiased news. That is one thing we can be thankful for learning as news has blended into entertainment in the decade of the 2000s and into the 2010s. We have definitely learned that. All news organizations can do is try to take themselves out of the story and report it as best they can. But that's not 100% possible.
This is why I am glad to have come across two new news outlets: 92.1 FM news talk radio in Houston & the CBS Morning Show. The latter is not exactly new, just a new format. Both of these organizations have attempted a new or re-branding effort at simply reporting the news and not trying to be flashy about it or overly-partisan about it. They seem to realize that they cannot completely take their human biases out of the news reporting. But they're sure giving it their best shot.
If you haven't come across them, I would encourage you to give them a try. You just might find some news out there.
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