
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Christian Fiction

While walking through Hastings yesterday, I noticed a peculiar section of books: Christian Fiction.

Now sure, I have seen this section in bookstores in years. But it just struck me differently yesterday.

Two things, I guess:

If we're talking about Christianity, how can that in anyway be associated as being fictional? "Oh, come on, Brian, that's not what it's talking about." I know. But think through this with me.

When I think of Christianity, the Christian faith, I think about a reality that is the most truthful thing I know, more truthful than anything else, what truth, at its core, really is. To associate that with fiction . . . well that doesn't seem to do it any justice at all.

Second, I am growing tired (and leery) of the desire to label things (everything) as "Christian." There's Christian fiction, Christian music, Christian t-shirts, Christian television shows, Christian gum that you can buy at the counter at the Christian bookstore. And many times, I find that these "Christian" things do not always line up with what I believe, the faith I try to live out, what I desire . . . even though I identify myself with the Christian faith.

Seems to me that rather than labeling lots of stuff as "Christian" that Christians would do better to be about the business of doing things well and living out their faith through what they do. In other words, their Christian witness should shine through who they are rather than having to label everything as "Christian."

For instance, let's say I'm going to write a book . . . for grins, let's say it's fiction. I could write it and then set about making sure it's in the Christian Fiction section (where most probably only a subset of people who call themselves "Christian" are going to ever come across it). Or, I could write it in a way that gives honor and witness to the faith I have, simply publish it as fiction, and then market it to a very wide audience.

Now I hope I am not offending any Christian Fiction writers . . . or anyone for that matter. I really do. Because I know that Christian Fiction writers, and Christian musicians, and Christian book writers, and Christian t-shirt makers mean well. It's just that I do not get the sense from reading about what Jesus said and did, as recorded in the gospels, and the whole Bible for that matter, that people of the Christian faith are to be out trying to make a Christian sub-culture. I think what we should be shooting for is that Christians should be out being a witness to the whole world, to all of culture, trying to make the whole world a better place.

At least that seems, to me, how Jesus tried to do things.

So maybe instead of being known as Christian Fiction writers, or Christian musicians, Christian book writers, or Christian t-shirt makers, maybe we should strive to be known as fiction writers who are Christians, or musicians who are Christians, or book writers who are Christians, or t-shirt makers who are Christians. Fiction writers, musicians, book writers, t-shirt makers, and all followers of Christ for that matter, who strive to be the best at their work . . . and strive to be a witness in all that they do.

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