
Monday, October 15, 2012

Failed Attempts at Using the Apostrophe . . . Part I

Apostrophe usage is not good.

All you have to do is pretty much look up to see apostrophes being used incorrectly. It's too bad. But there's got to be some sort of apostrophe police out there, helping or at least notifying people that apostrophes are not being used correctly.

That's where I come in.

I really do see it as sort of a tragedy. We're all taught, from a very young age, how to use apostrophes. Then we grow up, do things, and butcher them. They're butchered on billboards, signs, everywhere. It's a sub-set, really, of bad grammar. Grammar across our fair land is not good. We're all taught how to do grammar. Then somewhere along the way we disregard it . . . or just flat out don't care.

Either way, it's not good.

This, for instance, is not good:

This one is pretty bad. I mean these apostrophes are really, really, really mis-used, to the point that I'm not even sure what the point of the apostrophes are. I think, or at least I hope, "Policies" became "Police's." Whoa.

Come on, America, we can do better than this.

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