
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Where Are Dwight's Parents?

Seriously, where are they?

The Schrutes are a interesting bunch: beet farmers, shunning their children for years, a seemingly Amish-style of living. That's the description we get from Dwight. Yet the only other Shrute we ever meet is Dwight's cousin, Mose.

Now I must admit that if Dwight's parents surfaced in the last year or two, I wouldn't know. I have tuned out watching new episodes of The Office. Once Michael Scott left, I got bored with it. It's like The Cosby Show without Heathcliff, King of the Hill without Hank, or Seinfeld without Kramer. It just doesn't work for me.

But where are Dwight's parents? He regularly refers to them and their seemingly backwards ways. But we never meet them. Did they pass away? A tragic accident? Did they and all of their other family members suddenly uproot and leave their family farm?

I think we need some answers.

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