
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Wish I Knew What to Wish For

I had a difficult time deciding what to wish for last night. The Rangers were playing the Indians last night. That's a no-brainer. Actually, it's a no-brainer when the Rangers play anyone. You root for the Rangers. Just like it's a no-brainer anytime the Mavs or Cowboys play anyone. You can add the Longhorns to that list, too.

At this time of year, you always look at who you are chasing or who is chasing you in the standings. For us, that happens to be the A's and the Angels, chasing us in the standings. And beyond that, it's the Yanks, O's, Rays, and I guess that's about it right now--the other teams in the A.L. who have a chance of catching us for the A.L. best record.

Last night was a toughy. The A's and the Angels were playing each other. I just didn't know who to root for in that game. You want the Angels to get even farther behind us. And, of course, you want the A's too the same. But when they're playing each other, you have to hope for a 0-0 tie. That's not going to happen. It left me thinking I wish I knew what to wish for in that game.

It's like that in sports. It's also like that in life. This mindset too easily bleeds over into how we live. At least I know it does for me.

In any sporting event, it's tough for me to watch it just to watch it, to enjoy it just for it being a sporting event, especially when I do not have a rooting interest in the game. I need to root for someone. If I'm not careful, I do that same thing in life--with events, news stories, relationships, etc.

That leaves me thinking that sometimes I just need to sit back and enjoy life go by. Hey, we've got a three game lead over everyone in the A.L. Let's be happy in that. And be happy in baseball. It's supposed to be fun.

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